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heimatec GmbH employees were trained on the subject of ISO GPS for implementation in the single part drawings.
State of the art technology in use
Important parts of the ISO GPS (ISO: International Organization for Standardization; GPS: Geometric Product Specification) were already revised in the 2010s. This was triggered by the automotive industry and increasing globalization. The aim was and is to speak and understand a standardized “language” - across national borders and time zones.
The modifications will also be implemented at heimatec in the future. On the one hand, the drawings should be state of the art. Secondly, it is important for the company that everyone (including external parties) has the same understanding of the drawings. But especially in the context of the planned digitalization of the drawings - buzzword model-based definition (MBD) - the clearly defined drawing information is particularly important: if a software application has to process the models with the tolerances, this must be clear and precise from the beginning: you cannot discuss with a software application afterwards how the tolerance on a dimension should be interpreted now.
In order to train the employees involved, the entire design department including technical sales as well as the management of production, quality management and assembly of tools attended a two-day training course in which the colleagues were intensively introduced to the changes in the drawing system. A total of 17 heimatec participants were trained by an external company in mid-June. The topic was so well received by the participants and is so important that the concentrated atmosphere during the training was almost palpable.
“At first glance, the training content ‘ISO GPS’ seemed rather boring, but the speaker presented it in a very engaging and competent manner,” said Martin Schäfer, design engineer, about the training, which was also confirmed by the other participants. Pleased to be up to date in terms of knowledge, the major implementation project is now approaching.
Even though the changes in the world of GPS standards have been in place for over 10 years, the precision tool manufacturer is one of the first in the engineering sector to implement these innovations.